SIMPLE Small companies: economic version, 150 calibration limit in subscription with possibility to extend, Tester type: OTHER, Working with NXv2 service using: PC, mobile devices (not all functions), OFF-line working not available
PRO Medium companies: medium and large number of calibrations. Using UTP-10 tester, and/or testers of OTHER manufacturers, many different functions available in MATT NXv2 application, recommended equipment with TachoDriveNX
ULTRA Medium and big companies: large number of calibrations – maximum number of functionalities – quick and comfortable work without handwritten notes with recommended equipment of UTP NX
ENTERPRISE Vehicle dealers, factories, very big companies with branches: Required quick and reliable work with large number of calibration. Processing and archving large amount of data. Many etsters, work optimization. Individual interfaces to export data to other applications, i.e. accounting